Saturday, August 24, 2013

Obama Scare

The Republican led congress has voted 40 times to repeal Obamacare.  How many bills have they passed that would fix their perceived deficiencies of Obamacare? None. Why?

It’s my opinion that the Republican Party in picking Obamacare as the reason only they should be allowed to govern, has beaten the drums of doom so loudly they are scared to death their predictions will not materialize. They’ve painted themselves into a corner with their worst scenario being nothing too terrible happening. 

There’s going to be some problems in implementing the Obamacare (The Affordable Care Act), and especially so in the states where republican majority governments have refused to comply with the law’s covenants and are expected to continue stonewalling implementation.  But the proof in the pudding will be in the states that have complied.  Assuming a successful implementation, California, with a large population of under insured and a cooperative legislature should be the proof in what could have been in the resistant states.

Should California’s implementation be deemed a failure, I’ll be the fool.  However if California’s cooperation proves relatively painless transition, then the doomsayers will have egg on their faces. But I wonder if those I know, who have subscribed to the republican rhetoric, will have the courage to admit their error.

The one thing I’m sure of it is that we haven’t heard the last word from the ObamaScare folks--- they just have too much to lose to give Obamacare a chance.

Bob -- August 24, 2013

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