Monday, November 5, 2012

Vote for the Lesser of ...

Dated Monday, Nov 5, 2012
I’ve spent the last four years defending Obama not because he was so good, but because he wasn’t so bad. It’s easy for a candidate to make promises, so I don’t pay much attention to those. And obviously, neither of the current candidates could be is as bad as his opponent depicts. 
I'll concede one point to Romney. Things aren’t great in America. But despite his promises, there's little evidence that he will fix anything that time itself wouldn't fix. Recessions come and recessions go with the worst recessions going slower.  So to say there a problem is stating the obvious and promising a fix is wishful thinking.  However if he wins, I wish him luck.
Anyway, I’m going to vote for the candidate I think will do the least harm, and because I don’t think either candidate really has the power or ability to fix the economy, I'm going to stick with the devil I know.
What I'm absolutely sure of is that politics in America is broken, and until we get the outside money out of the election process there is no hope of a fix.  When even a moral man has to subjugate his principles just to get elected, too often he won't.  Then we are left with the individuals with lesser principles.  
When I look at the big changes in the election process of recent, I'm struck with the Citizens United case that allows individuals and corporations and (yes) unions to contribute enormous sums of money to political entities without the need to even disclose their identity.  What chance is there for honesty in politics when the ability to get elected lies more in the publicity campaign than in the man.
The Supreme Court's decision on Citizens United was split along the lines of the party of the president responsible for the justices appointment with the conservatives in the majority. It doesn't look like either candidate is going to break the deadlock in the congress, so the best hope for the next candidate is to maintain a balance in the Supreme Court. 
With four of the justices in their 70's (two appointed by Regan and two by Clinton) there's a good chance that at least one new justice will be appointed in the next four years. The current balance is 5 to 4 with a conservative majority and the Chief position.  I think a liberal (Obama) appointment will do the least harm to the court and the nation. 
That's why I'm voting for Obama, tomorrow. Besides, I think he's the better of the two evils, and I'd sure like to show all those assholes that made up all that stupid shit about Obama, his policies, and actions --- that cheaters never  prosper.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I Support Planned Parenthood

By Shari Roan, Los Angeles Times (edited here for major content only)

February 1, 2012

In what looks to be a break between two organizations dedicated to women's health, a national breast cancer awareness group said it would stop providing funds to Planned Parenthood centers for breast cancer examinations and other breast health services.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure, a leader in fundraising for breast cancer research and famous worldwide for its iconic pink ribbon, said Tuesday that it was halting all partnerships with Planned Parenthood affiliates because of recently adopted criteria that forbid it from funding any organization under government investigation.

In September, Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) launched an inquiry to determine whether Planned Parenthood uses public money to fund abortions. Planned Parenthood receives federal money but cannot use it to provide abortions.
After reading this article today, I filled out a contact us form on the  Susan G. Komen website stating that while I'll continue to support their cause, I will no longer be able to support their organization.
Then I contacted Planned Parenthood: