I'm starting to get interested in the Tea Party's anti-redistribution of wealth stance -- taking from the rich and giving to the needy is apparently a bad thing. And as it's the Feds that are doing the nasty, let's start by not redistributing federal taxes paid from rich states and giving it to poorer states.
As of 2004[1] for every $1 in Federal Taxes paid, California only received $0.79 back in federal spending. Some of the biggest Tea Party membership states faired a lot better. For instance for every $1 in Federal Taxes paid here's what some of those states got back: Kansas, $1.12; Oklahoma, $1.48; Idaho, $1.28; Kentucky, $1.45; Mississippi, $1.77; Alaska, $1.87 ...
So shouldn't us Californian's demand a 21% deduction from our tax bill, and shouldn't Oklahomianites get a 48% tax increase, and Mississipianiters get a 77% tax hike, etc. ?
Of course it's not as simple as that, but I'm also not as simple minded as a lot of those tea baggers --like Sarah Palin. for instance. I doubt I'll make it to her next Tea Party appearance. But if you're there. ask her about that 87% redistribution of wealth to Alaska. Golly-gee, I bet she's not gonna offer to give that back.
[1] Not the most recent info, but a pretty good picture of the present trend HTTP://Taxfoundation.org